Following ACCA Exams, How to Decide Your Future

December 30, 2019
Last updated August 18, 2022

After passing your ACCA tests, you should take some time to think and ponder your future goals.

Depending on the decisions you make during this period, your career can go in a variety of directions. Continue reading to learn about some topics to think about.

1) Consider your areas of interest.

You’ve spent the last few months studying a variety of topics to prepare for the tests. Now is the time to reflect on some of those issues and determine what you’re passionate about.

Even though accountants all work with statistics, the manner you look at those statistics daily can vary greatly depending on your position. Perhaps working with taxes was more enjoyable than working with financial statement analysis.

Choosing which topics are most interesting to you is a terrific approach to limit down your employment options. Even if all you know is whether you want to work for a public or private company, you know you’re on the correct track.

2) Start Your Own Business

Some accountants aspire to run their own business. It’s entirely possible for you to pursue that dream now that you’ve passed the ACCA examinations!

It might be a good idea to work at another company first. You’ll get experience and understand the ins and outs of the industry.

Furthermore, you might be able to discover a senior accountant at the firm who is prepared to assist you on your path.

3) Think about getting an MBA

Even if you have recently completed some difficult tests and a long road of school, you should consider pursuing a master’s degree.

A master’s degree in business administration (MBA) can help you advance in your accounting job.

When it comes to job hunting, having an MBA can help you stand out. Try looking into some of the careers you’re interested in to determine if a master’s degree is required.

It could be easier to just keep going now that you’re already in a school mindset.

4) Choose a Mentor

Having a mentor is beneficial to your career regardless of your chosen path.

Find someone who is in a position comparable to the one you want. Tell them you’re searching for someone who can help you get through the early phases of your career.

Mentors can be quite beneficial and can significantly increase your chances of success. You can understand how they got to where they are now in their careers, as well as what they’ve seen their coworkers do.

Your mentor may also have a network of people who are looking for someone like you to join their teams.


You can now start using the ACCA letters after your name now that you’ve passed the ACCA examinations! That will open up some opportunities for you in the future.

It’s a good time to think about what kinds of jobs you’d like to have and what type of work atmosphere you’d prefer, whether public or private. Perhaps you’d like to start your firm and can pursue practice someday.

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