The best way to gradually complete your ACCA course while working

May 18, 2020
Last updated August 03, 2022

Studying and managing work or life commitments concurrently have never been easy. If you’re pursuing an ACCA qualification, you’re going to need some tips to organize your learning schedule.

We know it’s exhausting; trust us, this is the correct advice you’re looking for to get your ACCA degree studying part-time steadily.

At least eight hours a week should be set aside for studying. Study time varies depending on how long it takes you to complete the curriculum, but each paper should take you about 11 weeks to complete.

#1.Create a strategy and stick to it.

When it comes to managing studying and working part-time, having a study timetable or plan is crucial. Plan to complete all of your coursework on your days off to avoid procrastination.

Make a realistic plan that includes the ACCA exam dates to have ample time to revise the modules.

We recommend that you go over the ACCA exam kit and ACCA past papers to obtain a good understanding of the ACCA exam.

#2.Time Management

Time management is stressful when studying for ACCA while working; it’s even more straining when you have other obligations besides studies and work. 

Write everything down in your planner, like every shift you have been given at work, deadlines of coursework assignments so that you can plan how you will work to get both done. 

You won’t have a lot of time for yourself with so many responsibilities on your plate. We recommend you to focus on your studies during the time you know you’ll grab in the most information. You enhance your time for learning and practical research.

#3. Set Some Study Goals

Study goals are essential if you want to succeed at university. Set goals that are achievable by you.

Always look forward to improving; even a tiny improvement in your previous grade will be a great kick to get you going. Setting some study goals is an excellent way to keep yourself motivated. 

Goals like aiming for a good grade in a particular subject or aiming to do two hours of revision in the morning are things that keep you going.

#4. Don’t Leave Things to the Last Minute.

“Don’t prepare at the 11th hour.” You can’t expect to get a good ACCA degree if you plan to study all night right before an exam or to finish an assignment at the last minute. 

Break down your project or assignment into small steps or goals and tick them off as you achieve them. Your assessment or work will be one step ahead. You won’t have to panic right before deadlines, and it will reduce your stress.

#5. Practice

Test your level of understanding and problem-solving capacity by practising sets of questions and answering them all on your own after learning about the syllabus and questions that get asked. 

With this, you will learn your weak points and seek to improve where you go wrong. Reach out to teachers when you have doubts and difficulties.  

We believe following these tips would be fruitful for you when doing your ACCA course!

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